Is Khas Khas good for health? - Healthy Master index

Is Khas Khas good for health?

Khas Khas has been a staple in Indian kitchens for centuries. It has been used in desserts and sweets like kheer and payasam. However, most of us do not know what exactly poppy seeds are and how they are derived. If you are looking for the same answers, here you will find more information on poppy seeds, their nutritional benefits and the amazing health benefits they offer. 

Poppy seeds are derived from the opium poppy plant. Studies have shown that poppy seeds have been in use for more than thousands of years in many ancient civilizations. It is believed that the poppy plants were initially sprouted in Western Mediterranean Region. Over time, the cultivation was spread to various regions like India, Russia and many parts of Europe. They have been cherished both for culinary and medicinal practices. Today, poppy seeds have found their place in many cultures. There are many healthy snacks and dishes prepared using poppy seeds as the main ingredient. 

Historical Significance of Poppy Seeds

Health Benefits of Poppy Seeds

Poppy seeds played a prominent role in the traditional medicinal practices. In some of the ancient manuscripts, poppy seeds were even used as sedatives due to its calming properties. When it comes to further historical significance, the Sumerians, one of the earliest civilizations, also grew poppy seeds. 

Nutritional Value of Poppy Seeds

As mentioned above, poppy seeds are a powerhouse of many essential nutrients. Below mentioned is the nutritional value of poppy seeds per 100g:









Total Fat




Dietary Fiber



82 µg


The above-mentioned is just the tip of the nutritional iceberg. You will be able to enjoy a significant amount of protein, B vitamins, fiber, and other essential minerals like iron, calcium, zinc and magnesium. Poppy seeds are also a good source of vitamin C, vitamin E, copper, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, sodium, and potassium. 

Amazing Poppy Seeds Health Benefits​

Poppy Seeds Health Benefits​

The high nutritional value of poppy seeds are reflected in the amazing health benefits they offer. Some of the amazing health benefits of poppy seeds are:

Improved Sleep Quality: Poppy seeds are mainly used for improving the sleep quality. They induce sleep and create a calming effect, which also reduces the stress levels. You can mix it with warm milk or consume it as a tea for a good night’s sleep.

Fertility Enhancement: These amazing seeds from nature are also known to boost female fertility. They remove mucus from the fallopian tubes, which helps with pregnancy. On the other hand, they also improve their sexual health by enhancing their sex drive. 

Bone Health: Being rich in copper and calcium, poppy seeds support the health of the bones. They also contain manganese, which helps with collagen production. They also protect the bones from damages. 

Cholesterol Management: Abundantly rich in dietary fiber, poppy seeds will also help you with cholesterol management. They reduce the bad (LDL) cholesterol levels in the body and help you to maintain good (HDL) cholesterol. 

Digestive System Support: Poppy seeds contain a good source of insoluble fiber, which will strengthen your digestive system and reduce digestive issues like constipation and bloating. 

Cardiovascular Benefits

Poppy Seeds Cardiovascular Benefits

Poppy seeds are also rich in iron content which will improve your blood circulation and regulate the blood pressure levels. On the other hand, they also contain Omega 3 fatty acids, which will reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases

Improved Vision: These seeds also contain zinc and antioxidants that can be beneficial for vision health. They will also protect you against different types of eye diseases like macular degeneration. 

Kidney Stone Prevention: The high potassium content of poppy seeds help with the treatment and prevention of kidney stones. Thus, including them in your diet on a regular basis will help you to maintain the optimal health of your kidneys. 

Pain Relief

Pain Relief - Benefit of Poppy Seeds

As mentioned above, poppy seeds have been used as a natural sedative for pain relief due to their analgesic properties. They relieve pain and discomforts. 

How to Include Poppy Seeds (Khas Khas) in your Diet Regularly?

Poppy seeds can be consumed in various ways. It is one of the best healthy snacks that you can include in your diet. Below mentioned are some of the best ways to include poppy seeds in your diet:

Healthy Poppy Seeds Diets Foods

Direct Consumption: Although you can eat poppy seeds raw, cooking them and preparing in one or the other way will be pleasing to the palette. You can simply soak them in warm water or milk for a few hours, which will enhance its flavor and make it easy to digest. Once soaked, they can be grounded into paste or added into different dishes to enhance the overall flavor and texture. 

Making Poppy Seed Mix: You can also make milk using poppy seeds by soaking them in water. Once soaked, you can blend and strain the mixture to obtain the milk. You can consume this milk directly or as an ingredient in other dishes. 

Roasting: You can also intensify the flavor of the poppy seeds by dry roasting them. You should dry roast them before adding them into any dishes. This gives a unique nutty taste and aroma to the dishes. 


The benefits of khas khas or poppy seeds are manifold when you consume them in moderation. You can consume it as many healthy snacks, which will contribute to your overall health and wellness. However, it is important to make sure that you are consuming them in moderation. It is also important to buy khas khas from a reputed brand to ensure proper quality. 


1. Can I eat poppy seeds daily?

Yes, you can consume khas khas (poppy seeds) daily. They are rich in many essential minerals, fiber and healthy fats. However, consuming them in moderation is very important. 

2. Is poppy seeds hot or cold?

Poppy seeds basically have a cold potency. Thus, they are mainly used to balance the heat in the body and ensure a good sleep.

3. How to consume khas khas?

You can consume khas khas in many ways. For instance, you can sprinkle them on salads, ground into paste, prepared as a dessert or grounded into paste. 

4. Can I grow poppy seeds in India?

Yes, you can grow poppy seeds in India. However, as a responsible citizen, you should follow the local law and regulations regarding its cultivation.

5. What is the difference between poppy seeds and khas khas?

Basically, there is no difference. Khas Khas is the local Indian name for poppy seeds.

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