
Gluten-Free Snacks for Kids | Healthy Master

Gluten-Free Foods have seen an extraordinary trend in the recent past. Gone are the days when only adults were concerned about the gluten content in their food. Nowadays, even kids are demanding gluten-free food. An increasing number of parents are turning to gluten-free foods for their kids. With so many new "gluten-free" food products on the market today, how do you select a few good choices?

Going gluten-free can be challenging when you don’t have much time. But it doesn’t need to be—your kids will still get the nutrition they need even if you’re running late. Here are some quick and nutritious gluten-free products that offer the perfect balance of protein, carbohydrates, and calories with gluten intolerance and healthy snacks for your Kids.

Cranberry Slice

Cranberries Slice is an excellent source of vitamin C and manganese in addition to dietary fiber, protein, folate, vitamin B1, and silicon. Cran berry juice is considered to be a cardio-protective fruit since it has antioxidant properties. The juice contains tannins called proanthocyanidin that have been proven to lessen urinary tract infections.


Almonds are a superfood loaded with protein, vitamins, and minerals. These tasty nuts are great for snacking, baking, and your little one’s school lunch box. A ¼ cup serving contains 5 grams of fiber, 21 grams of protein, and around 70 calories. The best part about eating almonds is that they do not contain any saturated fat or cholesterol so you don’t have to worry about your heart.


Apricot is a good source of several vitamins and minerals. They are also one of the best sources of carotenoids like beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, cryptoxanthin, and lutein, as well as vitamin C. The sweet taste in apricots comes from fructose and glucose.


Research clearly shows that kids eating a balanced and nutritious diet have a higher concentration and focus and are healthier in general. The Blueberry is a nutrient powerhouse fruit. You should include more of this fruit on the menu for your kid's daily consumption. Buy Fresh Berries Online from the healthy master.


Makhana or foxnuts are looked upon as one of the healthiest in India. It is a great source of fiber which means it is ideal for weight loss diets. Makhana has many health benefits such as acting as a pain reliever, having anti-aging properties, and helping in the relief of menstrual disorders. It can be used as a substitute for ice cream yet it is dairy-free and healthy too. Makhana is a rich source of energy that can give you strong and healthy hair, beautiful skin, quick and strong nails, and a strong right. Buy Best Roasted Makhana Online from the healthy master.

Millet snacks

Millets, which are tiny seeds similar to grains. But very different from them, are renowned for their ability to absorb a lot of water while still being easily digestible. They have an alkalizing effect and can be very healthful foods for vegetarians, vegans, or anyone else with an interest in eating for better health. Millets are full of essential nutrients that are required by the body at all times and the presence of which is unnoticeable in most conventional foods. Buy healthy snacks for your Kids

Muskmelon seeds

Muskmelon seeds can be of great use in a number of ways. The muskmelon seeds are mostly used by different people in order to get benefits from them. These melon seeds help people to make their body free from several kinds of health problems, and also they make the body strong and prevent many diseases from happening. The aroma of muskmelon can be used for flavoring ice cream and other desserts. They are hard seeds that contain great nutritional content such as manganese, vitamin C, folate, dietary fiber, and protein.

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds offer a great way to get your dose of nutrients in. They are also very inexpensive and easy-to-store snacks, which makes them perfect for diets to increase the weight or quick snacks between meals on the go. The benefits of sunflower seeds can be found in their reputation as energy-boosting snacks which improves your memory power, creativity, and focus. These are the reasons why many people enjoy eating them regularly.


There are various benefits of peanuts. Some of these include the ability to prevent cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and age-related eye problems. Peanuts also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, make a great snack and an energizing snack, too. There are different types of Peanuts dry roasted, boiled, fried, or both. Whatever your preference is, peanuts are delicious whether eaten alone or added to a recipe.

Flax Seeds

It is an excellent source of Omega 3 fatty acids in forms that can be better used by the human body than those from fish oil. These seeds are versatile too. They can be eaten raw, sprouted, ground (flax meal), or milled or pressed into flaxseed oil. Flax is one of the best resources for healthy fat. It is rich in omega 3, a good source of dietary fiber, proteins, and trace elements.

Pecan Nuts

Pecan Nuts have a lot of health benefits. They are also beneficial for people who want to increase their muscle mass. Some people refer to Pecan Nuts as miracle nuts because they contain a lot of nutrients that promote good health and fight diverse viral diseases.

Soya Nuts

Soya Nuts is an incredible, brain-boosting source of nutrition as well as a delicious snack. You can eat them dried or salted which makes them an even more exciting and delicious snack that is full of goodness. Soya Nuts possess anti-diabetic, antioxidant, cholesterol-lowering, antihypertensive, and anti-inflammatory properties. The fatty acids in Soy nuts provide the much-needed fats and necessary nutrients required to have a healthy heart. Buy Soya Nuts Garlic at Best Price India from the healthy master.

Soya chips

The nutritious aspect of this snack makes it a great choice to weigh less. Soya crisps offer the customers energy, freshness and are made from NON-GMO ingredients. The nutritious aspect of this snack makes it a great choice to weigh loss.

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