
5 Health Benefits of Eating Blackberries Every Day - Healthy Master

Which berry best describes the popular phrase "Chota Packet, Bada Dhamaka"? It is a blackberry. From satisfying the cravings for sweets to satiating the hunger pangs after office hours, blackberries are no less than a go-to snack. They are healthy snacks because of their impressive nutritional portfolio.

Before directly heading to the health benefits of blackberries, let's first get a glimpse of their nutritional facts. 

Nutritional Value of Blackberries 

You will be surprised to know the nutritional facts about blackberries. Every day, eating a cup of Healthy Master's blackberries fulfills 6% of the daily requirement of vitamin A & E, 7% of the daily requirement for magnesium and potassium, 5% of the daily requirement for iron, niacin, and zinc, and 32% of the daily requirement of fibre. 

Without further delay, let's understand how the rich-nutritional profile of blackberries benefits your body. 

Health Benefits: Why Should You Eat Blackberries? 

Blackberries are a powerhouse of essential nutrients that improve and support overall well-being. From immunity booster Vitamin C to energy stimulator Manganese, there is a whole range of vitamins and minerals in blackberries that keep many health problems at bay. Here are the 5 health benefits of eating blackberries. 

  1. Promote a Healthy Pregnancy

    Pregnancy is a crucial phase in the life of a woman; after all, what she eats has a direct impact on the growth of the fetus. By adding blackberries to a pregnancy-friendly diet, a mother-to-be promotes bone formation in the fetus. Blackberries have a rich amount of calcium, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. You can shop for pregnancy-friendly snacks at Healthy Master.

Also Read: 10 Healthy Snacks for Pregnant Women 

  1. Improve Oral Health

    Oral health never gets its due attention. It is important to understand that you can enjoy your favorite foods only with a healthy oral. Eating 80g of blackberries per day helps prevent cavities and other mouth diseases. This is because of the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of blackberries.  
  2. Improve Eyesight

    The increase in screen time strains the eyes, which can lower eye sight in the long run. The daily consumption of blackberries produces pigments in the eye's retina that promote good vision. Blackberries benefit the eyesight as they are rich in Vitamin A. You can buy blackberries online from Healthy Master at affordable rates.
  3. Rejuvenate the Skin

    With age, the skin loses its shine and glow. The best natural way to keep the skin healthy and young is to eat blackberries every day. You can have them in smoothies or eat them raw as a snack. Blackberries have a high vitamin C content. The daily consumption of blackberries promotes the production of collagen, which plays an important role in maintaining the skin's elasticity. They work as an amazing anti-aging fruit. 
  4. Good For Gut Health

    Poor lifestyles and unhealthy habits are the major causes of health problems like constipation, bloating, and indigestion. Blackberries are the best natural cure for them. Being a rich source of soluble and insoluble dietary fibre, daily consumption of blackberries resolves every digestion issue and promotes strong gut health.

Also Read: 6 Reasons Why Should You Eat Soaked Almonds


So next time you are hungry and you are presented with two options, namely fried chips and blackberries, grab a handful of blackberries to satisfy your hunger pangs. Besides being a comfort food, blackberries improve your well-being in multiple ways. Grab your pack of dried blackberries online from Sharks Approved Healthy Master. Don't forget to explore a wide range of maida-free snacks. 

Also Read: Vitamin-D Rich Dry Fruits
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