
Millet-Based Snacks: Tasty Food Items with Health Benefits

Finding the right snacks for your family can be a daunting task, especially as the market is flooded with junk and unhealthy options. Munching on these unhealthy treats can be fatal in the long run. When looking for healthy snacks, there are many factors to consider. You should know about the ingredients, processing methods, nutritional value, health effects and more. Above all, read the nutritional label and make sure you are getting best for the money you spend and it's having a positive effect on your health.

Millet-Based Snacks for Complete Nutrition

Millets is an ancient grain known for its astounding nutritional profile. It offers numerous health benefits like lowering the blood sugar levels, cholesterol and by supporting digestive health. It is also a non-gluten grain that is also suitable for people with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity.

Millets belong to the Poaceae family or the grass family. Due to its amazing health and nutritional benefits, they are now consumed in most of the developing countries. Although it is considered as a seed, its nutritional profile is similar to cereals. They have gained huge popularity as they are high in fiber, protein, antioxidants and other nutrients. This content will provide you information on millet snacks and why they deserve a place in your snack basket.

Nutritional Profile

Like most cereals, millets are starchy grains rich in carbs. However, they also pack many other vitamins and minerals, which can be highly beneficial for your health. Just one cup of millets contain the below nutrients:




41 g


2.2 g


6 g


1.7 g


25% of DV


19% of DV


8% of DV


6% of DV

Millets provide your body with more essential amino acids when compared to other cereal grains. Apart from this, the finger millet category also boasts the highest calcium content that you can obtain from any cereal grain. Thus, they also support bone health, muscular and blood vessel contractions. Millets are also known to enhance nerve functions. 

Benefits of Consuming Millet-Based Snacks

Millets are rich in plant compounds and nutrients. Thus, they benefit your body in many ways, especially if you are a vegetarian or vegan. Below mentioned are some of the important health properties of millet-based snacks:

Rich in Antioxidants

Millet snacks like multi-millet cookies, millet noodles, millet khakhras, and other snacks are rich in antioxidants. They contain phenolic compounds, especially catechins and ferulic acids. These antioxidants protect your body from oxidative stress and the damages caused by free radicals. On the other hand, catechins avoid metal poisoning by binding to heavy metals in your system.

Controls Blood Sugar Levels

These superfoods are rich in fiber and non-starchy polysaccharides. These indigestible carbs help you to control the blood sugar levels and provide sustained energy throughout the day. They are also low GI cereals, which means you do not have to worry about any type of blood sugar spikes after consuming them. Due to these factors, millets are also considered to be ideal for people with diabetes. 

Lowers Bad Cholesterol

Millets contain soluble fiber, which are known to trap unhealthy fats and reduce cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that millets were able to reduce triglycerides levels in the body and increase the HDL (good cholesterol) levels. Moreover, it increases the adiponectin hormone, which supports heart health.

Suitable for a Gluten-Free Diet

Millet snacks are suitable for a gluten-free diet. This gluten-free grain is suitable for people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. As most of you might know, gluten is a protein that naturally occurs in common grains like wheat, barley and rye. In some people, it triggers harmful digestive symptoms like diarrhea and malabsorption. However, if you are eating millet snacks, you do not have to worry about these issues.

Nutritiously Curated Millet-Based Snacks

Millet Cookies

Healthy Master’s millet cookies are made with naturally grown finger millet, sorghum, and whole wheat. This is a delightful and guilt-free treat that will provide you with an instant energy boost and satiety. These cookies are also a fantastic source of fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals. They will not just curb your sweet cravings, but also promote overall well-being. 

Millet Bhel

Healthy Master’s millet bhel is a tangy, spicy and a flavourful snack that you can enjoy anytime of the day. It includes a harmonious blend of jowar, bajra and chana. These nutritious millet-based snacks are carefully curated to provide you a tasty and satisfying crunch without compromising on your health. They are rich in some important nutrients like calcium, magnesium, zinc and potassium. 

Millet Noodles

If you want to enjoy the flavor and texture of the traditional noodles, without worrying about the health, ragi millet noodles provided by Healthy Master could be a great option. They provide essential nutrients, which boosts your immunity, heart health, and lowers cholesterol levels. They are also rich in fiber, healthy fats, iron, magnesium and zinc.

Closing Thoughts 

Millet snacks provided by Healthy Master are packed with nutrients, protein and antioxidants. They will not just curb your snack cravings, but also support your overall health. They have many health benefits like lowering cholesterol levels, blood sugar and improving digestive functions. Additionally, they are gluten-free, which makes them an excellent choice for people with gluten sensitivity and celiac disease.
These millet snacks are well worth trying.


Why are millet snacks healthier than regular snacks?
Millet snacks are made with different types of millets, which makes them a healthier alternative to traditional snacks. They are rich in fiber, packed with essential nutrients and gluten free. 

Are millet snacks suitable for kids?
Yes! Millet snacks are safe and highly beneficial for kids. They are rich in calcium and iron, which are important factors for kids’ growth. However, as they contain high amounts of fiber, it is important to consume in moderation.

Can millet snacks help with weight management?
Yes! Millet snacks are great for weight management as they contain good amounts of fiber and protein. They will make you feel full for a longer period of time and curb cravings. 

Are millet snacks suitable for people with diabetes?
Yes! Millet snacks are diabetic friendly. They have a low glycemic index and contain complex carbs which avoids any type of sudden sugar spikes. 

How can I order millet snacks?
You can easily order Healthy Master millet snacks from the official website. There is a huge selection of snacks and offerings in the store, from which you can choose the best. 

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