Pumpkin seeds benefits for Male

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Pumpkin seeds benefits for Male

Pumpkin seeds are a nutrient-rich food for men. They have essential nutrients like zinc and phosphorus. These help in sperm production. Pumpkin seeds also have beta-carotene. Beta-carotene converts to vitamin A in the body.

Vitamin A helps in vision, immunity, and skin health. It is also rich in fiber. Fiber helps in blood regulation and digestion. There are a lot more pumpkin seeds benefits for male. In this blog, we will see them in detail.

Do pumpkin seeds cause erectile dysfunction?

Pumpkin seeds do not cause erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction happens enough blood cannot reach the blood vessels of the penis. This is because the blood vessels cannot relax and contract.

The roasted pumpkin seeds smooth the relaxation and contraction of blood vessels. This blood flow helps cure erectile dysfunction.

Another pumpkin seed benefits for male is the prevention of penis enlargement. They also help with the production of testosterone as well. Good testosterone production also helps with erectile dysfunction.

Pumpkin Seeds benefits for male fertility

Pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc. Zinc helps in improving sperm motility and quality. This results in higher sperm production as well.

Another nutrient in pumpkin seeds is selenium. Selenium increases the following in males -

  • Sperm production
  • Sexual desire
  • Fertility

Pumpkin seeds cure inflammation as well. This heals the damaged cells and cures erectile dysfunction as well.

Pumpkin seeds improve sperm quality

Pumpkin seeds benefits for male also includes improvement in sperm quality. The zinc present in it improves the swimming ability of sperm. It also improves their appearance.

Vitamin 3, Selenium, and magnesium help improve sperm health. Vitamin E is an antioxidant. It protects sperm from damage. Magnesium regulated testosterone levels. Selenium improves sperm motility.

Studies show that men who eat pumpkin seeds for 6 weeks had a significant increase in sperm count.

How to eat pumpkin seeds for male fertility?

There are several ways to experience the pumpkin seeds benefits for male. The best way is to add them to your diet. Check how you can add them to your diet. We have mentioned them in detail -

a) Plain pumpkin seeds -

One of the easiest ways to add pumpkin seeds to your diet is by eating them as snacks. They are nutritious and healthy. The fiber in them will keep you full for a longer time helping you in weight loss as well.

b) Roasted Pumpkin seeds -

Dry roast the pumpkin seeds. You can use an oven or gas for it. Once their color turns brown stop roasting. Then add them on top of yogurt, oats, or smoothies.

c) Pumpkin seed butter -

You can also make butter from pumpkin seeds. Roast them and then grind them. After that add coconut oil to make a paste. Store this in an airtight container. Enjoy it with bread or chapati.

d) Pumpkin seeds protein -

Roast the pumpkin seeds and then grind them to get a powder. Pair this with milk or water. This will give you a healthy and nutritious protein shake.

e) Pumpkin seed flour -

Like a regular floor, you can use pumpkin seed flour as well. Roast them and grind them to get the flour.

f) Pumpkin seed oil -

Pumpkin seed oil is a good alternative to regular oil. You can use it in cooking or add it to your salad.

Also read - How Much Pumpkin Seeds Should I Eat per Day? - Healthy Master

Do pumpkin seeds reduce testosterone?

No pumpkin seeds do not reduce testosterone. One of the many pumpkin seeds benefits for male, an increase in testosterone is on top. The zinc present in pumpkin seeds helps in this process.

Pumpkin seeds oil is good for hair growth in male

Pumpkin seeds are helpful in hair growth in males. They have important fatty acids that help in hair growth. Here are some tips to use it for hair growth -

  • Take 1-2 tablespoons daily.
  • Apply it on your scalp twice.
  • Massage your scalp for 5 to 10 minutes
  • Keep the oil for at least 30 minutes to see the results.


In conclusion, there are a lot of pumpkin seeds benefits for male. They all have significant effects on male sexuality and fertility. They can also be used for hair growth in males. They are also famous for increasing sperm count and testosterone.

You can include them in your diet in several ways. You can have them as snacks or roast them. You can make pumpkin seed butter, flour, or oil. You can also use them to make protein shakes.

If you are looking to buy pumpkin seeds online then visit HealthyMaster. We have them in different forms - Roaster, plain, and seeds and berries sprinkle. Buy your favorite now!!