
Why Fiber Rich Foods are an Integral Part of a Healthy Diet?

Are you looking for an option to add more fiber to your diet? Do you want to make this transition simple and effective? If so, this is the right content for you. Here you will find information on some of the best fiber-rich foods and how they are integral to a healthy diet. When you are planning to add fiber-rich foods, you will come across many options like different types of fruits, vegetables, lentils, grains, and many options. This will help you to make an informed decision and meet your daily fiber goals. 

Understand the Fiber in Diet

Complex Fiber


Fiber is a type of carbohydrate required for proper functions of the body. Your digestive system turns most carbs into sugar. However, this is not the case with fiber. They are passed through your intestine without being broken down. 

There are two basic types of fiber, which are soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber dissolves in the water and forms a gel-like substance in your stomach and colon. They will make you feel full for a longer period by slowing down the digestion. On the other hand, insoluble fiber is the fiber type that does not dissolve in water. They remain whole even when they are passed through the digestive system. They can help you to clear out the colon and improve gut health. 

Different Types of Dietary Fibers and the Roles They Play

When you are looking for fiber-rich foods, you will find different options. There are different types of fibers, and the roles they play can vary from one another. For instance, some types of fiber keep the bowel movement regular and stools moving in the large intestine. On the other hand, there is also a type of fiber that helps a person feel full for a longer time. This fiber type is good for people who are looking for an option to reduce their calorie intake and control their weight. 

Following a well-balanced diet that is rich in fiber is also associated with lower risks of heart disease. 

How Much Fiber Rich Foods Should I Take Each Day?

Dietary Fiber


The recommended amount of fiber that you should consume each day depends on your age and health goals. The current dietary guidelines suggest that people between nineteen to fifty years old should get at least thirty-one grams of fiber each day. On the other hand, women between nineteen to fifty years old should get at least twenty-five grams of protein each day. 

Health Benefits of Following a High-Fiber Diet

As mentioned above, dietary fiber plays an important role in performing various functions in the body. They support healthy digestion, prevent constipation, and also support movement throughout the body. Dietary fiber adds bulk and absorbs water, which makes the stools softer and easier to pass through the system. There are also other ways that fiber supports the body. Some of them are:

Control Blood Sugar Levels with Fiber Rich Foods

Fiber-rich foods will help you to keep your blood sugar under check. As they take more time to break down and digest, they do not cause any type of sudden blood spike. On the other hand, they also maintain a sustained level of energy and help you to stay energetic throughout the day, even when you are diabetic. 

Helps in Weight Management

Weight Management


Fiber helps you feel fuller for a longer period of time. Yes, as they take more time for breaking and getting digested, you will feel fuller for a longer period of time. This is a great way to avoid the unnecessary cravings for junk and fast foods. This will also help you to manage weight in the right way.

Protects Heart Health

Fiber is also known to offer good protection against different types of heart diseases. From fighting inflammation to maintaining ideal blood pressure and cholesterol, fiber can provide you with numerous health benefits. 

Choosing the Right Foods High in Fiber

Although there are different types of fiber supplements available in the market, it is best to get your fiber intake from foods. This is because foods that are high in fiber also contain good amounts of vitamins, minerals as well as other nutrients that our body requires. The foods that are high in fiber include different types of legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds, as well as whole grains. 

If you do not have the time or resources to prepare fiber-rich foods at home, you can also choose various snacks available in the stores these days. For instance, nuts and seeds are a great option for quick fiber-rich snacks. Apart from fiber, nuts and seeds are also great in healthy fat content. However, as they are also high in calories, it is very important to keep the portion size in mind and consume them in moderation. 

Simple and Easy Steps to Include Fiber in Your Diet

  • Slice up and store raw vegetables in the fridge for a quick and refreshing snack
  • Add beans, shredded cucumber, and carrot, and sprinkle chopped nuts and seeds to your salad. 
  • Choose oatmeal or whole grain cereal for breakfast (You can also add berries or almonds).
  • Switch from white rice to brown rice
Brown Rice
  • Experiment with different types of cuisines that use whole grains, especially the Middle Eastern cuisines. 

However, it is important to understand that making a sudden switch to food rich in fiber can cause some types of digestive issues like bloating or constipation. Therefore, if you are looking for an option to boost your fiber intake, it is important to increase it slowly. It is also important to drink plenty of water and keep your body hydrated. This will keep the fiber passing throughout the body without any distress. 


It does not matter what your needs are, it is important to make slow and steady changes in your diet. Whether you are planning for a high protein or high fiber diet, make sure you add them as a part of a well-balanced diet. This will help you to enjoy all the benefits without hampering your health.

If you are looking for quick and simple fiber-rich snacks, you can find some of the best offered by Healthy Master. There is a huge list of snacks and food products available in the store, from which you can choose the best for your needs and taste preferences. 

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