Potassium is a vital mineral that plays many important roles in the body. It is responsible for transporting nutrients into cells, maintaining normal blood pressure, and supporting healthy nerve and muscle functions. When it comes to potassium-rich foods, you will find many options. Some of the best foods rich in potassium are bananas, spinach, avocados, sweet potatoes, coconut water, etc.
This content will provide you with information on the top 8 every day potassium foods and why you should include them in your diet pattern.
Why is Potassium Foods Important?
Potassium is considered a vital nutrient as our body cannot produce it naturally. Therefore, it is important to include different foods that can help you meet the recommended daily needs. However, most people fail to get enough potassium from their diet. A large number of people are still finding it hard to meet the potassium needs in their bodies. With the list of foods and snacks provided in the below content, it will be easy for you to create a balanced diet and meet your requirements.
List of High Potassium Foods
Avocados are packed with some of the most important nutrients. They contain a good amount of healthy fats, folate, and vitamin K. Just half an avocado without skin and seed contains around 345 mg of potassium. If you eat a full avocado, you will get around 15% of your DV (daily Value) at once. On the other hand, avocados also benefit people with high blood pressure. As people with diabetes often have to decrease their sodium intake and increase potassium content, avocados can be a great source to include in the diet.
Spinach or Palak as the Best Potassium Foods
Did you know that palak or spinach is one of the most nutrient-dense vegetables that you can get your hands on? Yes, that’s true! Just one cup of this amazing leafy vegetable will pack an astounding 12% of DV for potassium. It is also loaded with many other nutrients such as vitamin A, folate, vitamin K, and magnesium.
If you do not like the taste of palak and are looking for some creative ways to consume it, the palak chips provided by Healthy Master could be the best option. Yes, you heard it right! Palak in the form of chips. We at Healthy Master are offering crispy and nutritious chips that can offer you all the nutrients. What’s more? These chips are baked and not fried to retain the nutrients you need without added calories.
Dried Apricots as the Best Potassium Foods
If you are looking for something rich and delicious, dried apricots could be the best option for you. This dry fruit has a long shelf life and contains good amounts of potassium. Just ½ cup of dried apricot can provide up to 65g, which is 16% of your daily value for potassium. They are also considered a great source of vitamins A, E, and fiber. You can mix it with a lot of snacks and foods to enjoy a natural sweet flavor.
Did you know that just one cup of beetroot can give 11% of your daily value for potassium? On the other hand, this root vegetable also contains nitrates, which support your blood vessel functions as well as overall heart health. They are converted into nitric oxide in your body to support various bodily functions and your overall health.
Beets are also considered as an excellent source of folate. Thus, if you are looking for an option to include in your daily routine, beetroot chips from Healthy Master could be the best option for you. These are crispy baked chips with all the goodness that beetroot has to offer.
Fruits and Vegetables
Including different types of fruits and vegetables in your diet is also a simple and easy way to increase your potassium intake. Most of the citrus fruits contain high levels of potassium. For instance, just 1 cup of orange juice offers about 10% off DV for potassium. You can also use potassium-rich fruits like pomegranate as great alternatives.
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are also some of the best potassium foods you can use as an alternative to white potatoes. They provide an exceptionally nutritious option to support your health. They are low in fat, contain low amounts of protein, and are a great source of complex carbs and fiber.
Sweet potatoes also contain vitamin A, which can be beneficial for your vision’s health. You can easily pair this root vegetable with different types of protein sources like meat or beans, dark green or colorful vegetables, and a little fat.
Most of us love watermelon as a large, delicious fruit with a lot of water content. They also contain good amounts of potassium. Apart from potassium, they also contain carbs, protein, fat, and fiber. Red watermelon is also a great source of magnesium and vitamins A and C.
You can also eat watermelon seeds as a snack to enjoy these health benefits. They also contain good amounts of potassium. You can order some of the best quality watermelon seeds from Healthy Master.
Coconut Water
Last but not least, coconut water is an excellent hydrating drink that contains many key electrolytes. They help you to draw water into your cells. The natural sugar content in the coconut water also provides energy during exercise and helps you to replenish your lost glycogen. However, it is important for you to consume coconut water as it is without any added sugar or sweeteners.
Like other vitamins and minerals, potassium is also a very important micronutrient that you need to consume in small amounts. This will enhance your overall health and performance. Most of the modern day diets and snacks are low in potassium and high in sodium. Thus, it is important for you to plan a balanced diet that can provide the necessary potassium intake.
As mentioned above, you can find different types of snacks and food products at Healthy Master that can provide you necessary potassium intake, while also making your snack routine fun.