Planning the Right Ketogenic Diet for Indians
Ketogenic or Keto diets are earning huge popularity around the world. This diet pattern is also becoming a topic of discussion within Indian communities. If you are looking for the same and planning to start a keto diet, this is the right content for you. The comprehensive information provided in this content will help you to understand this diet pattern, take the necessary steps, prepare your body, and obtain maximum health benefits.
What is a Keto Diet?
First and foremost, it is very important for you to understand what a keto diet exactly is. Unlike other diets where you eliminate fat and high-calorie foods, there are different factors you should consider when choosing this diet option. This is a unique diet pattern where you have to consume 60% to 70% fat. Yes, you heard it right! You include more fat, less proteins, and carbohydrates in your diet. Although it requires you to eat more fat, it is important for you to choose healthy fats.
With the right keto diet pattern, you can enjoy healthy weight loss, boost energy levels, and improve your overall metabolic health. If you are an Indian and looking for an option to include healthy fats in your diet, you will find a variety of options like ghee or clarified butter, coconut oil, avocados, etc. You can incorporate these healthy fats into different recipes and enjoy them on a regular basis. Most Indian cuisines also have different types of low-carb vegetables like cauliflower, spinach, cabbage, etc. On the other hand, you can enjoy them in many ways like curries, stir-fries, or even in the form of salads. With some smart choices, maintaining a keto diet can be simple and hassle-free.
Adapting Indian Recipes for Keto
As mentioned above, adapting Indian recipes for Keto can be simple. With some simple swaps and substitutions, you will be able to transform your Indian recipes into delicious and flavoursome keto-friendly meals. If you are a non-vegetarian, it is important to include a lot of lean cuts of meats and poultry. You should also focus on incorporating a lot of non-starchy vegetables. This will help you to keep the carb counts low and maximize the flavour and nutrition.
What Type of Vegetable Should I Eat?
When it comes to vegetables, you can use all types of non-starchy and cruciferous vegetables. This includes some of the most commonly used vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, spinach/palak, broccoli, brinjals, pumpkin, bottle gourd, bok choy, butterhead lettuce, radish, asparagus, cucumber, tomatoes, zucchini, horse gram, and capsicum. As most of these vegetables are used in Indian cuisines on a regular basis, it will be easy for you to swap the ingredients and enjoy your keto diet.
Diary Products: You can use almost all types of dairy products like ghee, paneer, butter, cheese, full-fat yogurt, or full-fat milk. However, it is important to consume them in moderation and in the right quantity. If you are lactose intolerant, consulting a dietician or expert and choosing the right alternatives is very important.
Eggs: You can also include eggs in your keto diet. You can use any type of preparation based on your unique needs and preferences. However, when you are looking for eggs, it is important to choose the right quality as the market is bombarded with eggs injected with artificial antibiotics and hormones.
Non Vegetarian: When it comes to non vegetarian foods, you can choose fish or meat which are fatty or lean. If you are choosing red meat or pork meat, it is important to keep quantity in mind. They should be consumed in limited quantities.
Nuts and Seeds: Including different types of nuts and seeds in the diet will provide the energy boost you require. You can include different types of nuts and seeds like almonds, peanuts, walnuts, pistachios, cashews, and seeds like flax seeds and pumpkin seeds. If you are looking for good quality seeds online, Healthy Master can provide you with the best.
Healthy Master is offering different types of seeds, nuts, dry fruits, and nutritious snacks in the market. Apart from plain nuts and seeds, you will also find different flavours and textures to choose from. There are also many unique snacking options like baked chips, trail mixes, energy bars, etc. for healthy snacking.
Oils: When adding oil to your dishes, choosing the right options is very important. It is always better to choose olive oil or coconut oil. Choosing the virgin form of these oils can give you added benefits.
Stay Hydrated: Last but not the least. While choosing the right food is necessary, hydrating your body regularly is also quite imperative. Sufficient water will enhance the overall metabolic profile of your body.
Foods to Avoid
There are also some foods you should avoid when following a Keto diet. Avoid starchy vegetables like potato and sweet potato. Consume vegetables like carrots and beetroot in limited quantities. You should also eat onion in limited quantity. Avoid all types of grains like rice, maize, wheat, ragi, oats, jowar, etc. You should also avoid sugar, honey, jaggery, sauces, syrups, soups, and alcohol.
Following a keto diet for a longer period of time can be difficult, especially for Indians. This is mainly due to the fact that we are used to a grain-based diet. However, you can choose this diet for weight loss and again come back to a regular diet pattern after achieving your goals. However, it is imperative to maintain a healthy diet and active lifestyle to maintain ideal weight and health.