
Makhana: 8 Reasons to snack on Fox Nuts

Makhana or foxnuts are one of the superfoods you have never heard about. Despite being so healthy they are flying under the radar. Eat raw or roasted, makhana can be infused into warm and cool drinks and desserts and is often eaten as a light (and healthy) dinner. While makhana online has various health benefits, it also tastes great.

In the present day, it has become very popular in the whole world due to the amazing health benefits it provides. The health benefits of makhana online are plenty when compared to other foods. It contains fiber, protein, minerals, and vitamins which make us healthy when we eat this food. You will definitely enjoy eating this food if you read the health benefits in the following section. Makhanas have numerous health benefits due to their rich content of fiber, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. It is grown in many parts of the world including India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal. It can be bought from local stores or online retailers.

Here are 8 reasons to prove, why you should be snacking on Makhana your next time at the grocery store.


Makhana helps with Weight Loss

It is also known as fox nuts. There are many explanations for why it is so named. Some say that its shape is similar to the head of the fox while others say that once this berry fell into water and out of it, small foxes were born. Historically, makhana has been recognized for its medicinal properties in Ayurveda. Particularly, it aids in curing urinary diseases, diarrhea, dysentery, cough, bronchitis and asthma. The other uses include aiding in weight loss, boosting memory retention and preparing poultices that can treat exogenous (external) wounds.

Makhana Improves Heart Health

Makhanas are so nutritious, beneficial for health, and easy to prepare. Makhanas are rich in proteins, carbohydrates that are easily digestible, calcium, vitamin A and iron. Makhana reduces the cholesterol level in the blood and maintains heart health. Makhana or fox nuts are one of the healthiest foods on earth. It is full of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. It helps to lower blood cholesterol levels. It can be used as a natural diuretic and is good for the skin too.

Considered to be an extremely versatile ingredient, it can be used in sweet dishes as well as savory dishes. It helps improve blood circulation and therefore, can prove immensely helpful for people suffering from heart problems.

Makhana Improves Bone Strength

If you want to increase the health and strength of your bones then makhana is the way to go. The calcium content in makhana makes it a healthy and nutritious snack for the elderly and growing children. Many elements deteriorate with age and lead to bone deterioration. It contains all of them and helps fight osteoporosis.

Anti-Ageing Properties

While Makhana contains a very high amount of protein, it is not as high as most other sources of protein. Even though it is low in fat, they are full of omega-3 fatty acids which give you added health benefits as well as prevent cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer.

When most people remember that Makhana is antioxidant rich it relates to the fact that it contains Vitamin C; which they think is the only antioxidant that can fight off free radicals in the body. However, other things should be considered as well because it has a higher ORAC value than oranges and thus can rank among one of the top 7 best antioxidant plants on the planet.

Makhana Controls Blood Sugar Levels

It is a well-known fact that makhana may be best consumed when soaked in milk or yogurt at night and eaten in the morning before sleep. Consuming this in a raw form is highly beneficial for diabetics, as the low glycemic index prevents the rapid conversion of food into sugar. It can also be consumed regularly for regulating blood sugar levels and preventing high cholesterol, diabetes, and heart diseases.

In addition to being delicious, makhana contains very few calories and is therefore an ideal snack for anyone wishing to lose weight. It is also a fabulous diuretic, something that has been used for centuries for effective purging of the body.

Detox Agents

Makhana is a very good Detox Agents. Actually, it is one of the important ingredients that is required to be added to any weight loss or detoxification program. It is considered that Makhana helps the body to cut down unnecessary fat, hence making you more slim and fit. These makhanas, which resemble more like beans than a lotus flower, help to detoxify the body and also help to cure various ailments associated with it.

Makhana is a very good detox agent. It removes all the daily toxins from our bodies. The makhana contains a high amount of fiber, vitamins B, C, D, PP, and many other minerals. Makhana actually has lots of health benefits to offer to us. Buy makhana online now

Better Digestive Health

Rich in nutrients with almost zero fat content, makhana is an excellent source of proteins that help in building strong bones and is even good for people suffering from celiac disease. These are very good for digestive health. It can cure heartburn issues, stomach acidity, toxic gas, and constipation.

These are ideal for people with weak digestive systems, who are suffering from colon cancer or gout. Makhana is consumed dried and salted. It has a unique taste, and texture and can be consumed at any time without needing to worry about an upset stomach.

Improved Cognitive Function

Makhana or foxnuts is an awesome food that helps you to stay focused and concentrate for longer periods of time. Studies have shown that foxnuts are full of antioxidants, beta-carotene, magnesium, zinc, folate, vitamin C, omega-3 fatty acids and other antioxidants that combat the free radicals that cause disease in our body.


This fiber-filled snack will leave you craving for more and constantly thinking of it whenever you get the chance to eat it. It is an inexpensive snack with such a range of benefits, and can easily replace other snacks (that aren’t as good for you) with It.

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