
Apricots are packed with several nutrients and health enriching properties. If you cannot get fresh apricots in your area, there are dried versions available which makes a fun and convenient snack. Choosing dried apricots without added sugar provides maximum health benefits. This antioxidant rich fruit can be consumed as a quick snack to curb your cravings. Read more to know about the astounding health benefits of dried apricots and why it should be your next snack choice. 

High Nutrition Content


Apricots are rich in proteins, fiber and many minerals. Just one raw apricot (35g) contains the below nutritional properties:

















Vitamin A







At 0.5 g, apricots might be providing just a small amount of protein. However, the kernel (the pit of the fruit) contains around 20% to 30% protein, which is not good for consumption. However, scientists are now looking for options to extract the high protein source from the kernel. A study has also found that the flour made from kernels can be rich in its nutritional quality and improve the taste and texture of the dishes. However, more studies are required to confirm the same.


A fresh apricot has around 4g of carbs, just 1g of fiber, and little over 3g of natural sugar. However, dried apricots offer more natural sugar per serving. As it also has a low glycemic index, it has less effect on the blood sugar levels. Thus, consuming them in moderation can help you to reap the real health benefits it can offer. 

Vitamins and Minerals


Apricots are also rich in many important minerals and vitamins. It is rich in beta carotene, potassium, phosphorus and other minerals which the body converts into vitamin A. They also enrich your body with calcium, iron, vitamin C, magnesium and folate. Although it is a more concentrated source of calories and sugar, it is also high in different types of vitamins and minerals. Dried apricots can also provide the same nutrition amounts like the fresh ones. 



Apricots are also low calorie fruits, which have only 17 calories per fruit. As a comparison, an apple contains around 104 calories. So, even if you are eating 6 fresh apricots, you are still consuming less calories than an apple. However, when you are consuming dried apricots, it is important to keep the portion size in mind due to the natural sugar content. 

Health Benefits

Promotes Heart Health

Heart Health

Whether fresh or dried, apricots contain soluble fiber, a fiber type that adds water to the stool and helps it move through the digestive tract smoothly. Studies have shown that eating 5 to 10 grams of soluble fiber everyday will reduce the LDL cholesterol levels in the body. Furthermore, the potassium content in this dry fruit reduces blood pressure. These factors along with the anti-inflammatory properties offer many cardiovascular benefits.

Protects Vision

Vision Health

Like other fruits and vegetables such as carrots, pumpkin, mango, etc. that have an orange hue, apricots owe its rich orange color to beta-carotene. This is a type of vitamin A associated with prevention of age related macular degeneration. This condition, if not treated, will lead to vision loss over time. This, including foods that are rich in beta carotene will protect you against such problems. 

Blood Sugar Control

Dried apricots are often consumed with nuts, berries and other dry fruits. This will make the nuts slow the gastric emptying rate and release the glucose to the blood stream at a slow, natural pace. When nuts are consumed along with low to medium GI dried fruits, the rise of the blood sugar will be slow and even. Thus, it is a great option for people who want to avoid any type of blood sugar fluctuations.

Reduces The Risk of Neurodegenerative Diseases


Quercetin, a flavonoid found in apricots have shown promising results in prevention of different neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s and prion diseases. Although more research is required to confirm the same, regular consumption of apricots will surely reduce the risk of many neurodegenerative diseases.

May Prevent Cancer

Apricots are also packed with different types of phytonutrients that act as antioxidants. This includes polyphenols, beta-carotene and flavonoids. They protect your cells from the damages caused by oxidative stress, which may lead to cancer over time. Eating a variety of fruits in fresh or dried form can be beneficial in cancer prevention.

Buy Premium Quality Dried Apricots Online


Apricots might not be available in all locations. In such cases, you can easily order the dried apricots from Healthy Master. We offer premium quality apricots at the best rates. Apart from buying it individually, you will also find different types of trial mixes and combos which include apricots. For instance, the daily power booster will help you to enjoy the benefits of different berries, nuts and seeds in one go.


Apricots are definitely a game changer when it comes to health and wellness. All you have to do is to choose the right quality products and enjoy the health benefits. Make sure you are consuming the right ones without any type of added sugar. 

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