
Transform Your Office Snacking with Healthy Master Vending Machine

In today’s expeditious lifestyle, convenience is prioritised over health. For most people, especially the working folks, vending machines have become synonymous with food. Most of us would like to treat ourselves with a sugary soda or a salty chip once a while. However, consuming them on a regular basis can have an unrepairable impact on your health and body. In order to make a change, and to revolutionise the snacking industry, Healthy Master has come up with a new concept, Healthy Vending Machine! That’s right, unlike the olden days, you can now enjoy some of the nutritious treats even through vending machines.

Choose Healthy Master vending machines and get rid of calorie laden snacks and sugary sodas. We help you to transform your vending machine into a hub of healthy nourishments. The range of nutritious snacks loaded in these machines will help you to satisfy your hunger pangs while also helping you to stay on track on your fitness journey. What's more? They are curated   for the Indian palate. They are not your typical vending machine snacks, rather something to keep you energised throughout the day without compromising on your health. 

Why Should You Choose Healthy Vending Machine?

In India, lifestyle based health issues like diabetes, obesity and hypertension are on a rise. Eating habits play a major role in the development of these diseases. According to a report submitted by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) in 2019, more than 77 million people in India suffer from diabetes. This number is expected to rise sharply in the coming years. Thus, more than ever, it has become important to be mindful about eating, what you are putting in your body.

Unhealthy snacking is a significant factor that fuels most of the health problems. Easy access to junk foods at public places, work spaces and schools have worsened the issue. In order to bring a change to this habit without sacrificing the convenience, we have introduced Healthy Master vending machines. Our machines that are stacked with nutritious snacks will surely help you to make a huge difference in your snack routine. 

Curated Snack Collection

You can enjoy a curated collection of nutritious snacks when you are choosing these vending machines. Yes, that’s true! In order to keep the nutrients intact, our snacks are non fried, gluten free, millet based and free from preservatives. They are also suitable for all age groups and dietary preferences. They are perfect for the vending machines placed in offices, gyms, schools or even in hospitals. 

Different Snack Options to Choose from

Baked Chips for Vending Machine

Unlike conventional deep fried chips that you usually find in vending machines, Healthy Master machines are stocked up with baked chips. Yes, you do not have to worry about the excess calories. They are also millet based, which makes these chips a delight to munch on during your breaks. They are also crispy and crunchy to satisfy your snack cravings. You will be able to find numerous options like beetroot, palak, quinoa, millet and other options when looking for these chips. There is something for everyone to munch on.

Trail Mixes for Vending Machine

These are great energy packed goddesses that you can enjoy anytime of the day. Trail mixes are a powerhouse of energy, packed with different types of dry fruits, nuts and seeds. They provide a good balance of protein, healthy fats and fiber, which makes them a perfect go to snack. These snacks have gained huge popularity amongst fitness enthusiasts and health conscious people. These snacks provide you with a concentrated source of protein to give you enough energy to run throughout the day.

Roasted Seeds and Nuts for Vending Machine

Another healthy yet crunchy snack you can enjoy from Healthy Master vending machines are the roasted nuts and seeds. You will find a huge list of different nuts like roasted almonds, cashews, chickpeas, soya nuts, makhana etc provided by the brand. All these chatpata snacks are highly nutritious and beneficial for your health. These fantastic snack options contain essential fatty acids, fiber and protein. They will not just help you to keep your hunger at bay, but also provide a concentrated source of nutrition. These snacks are great for people who want something light yet filling. 

Healthy Beverages to Refresh and Rehydrate

We also have a good collection of healthy and nutritious beverages to cool down your body. We have ensured to use healthy drinks to promote your health. This makes our vending machines completely a go to option for people who are sceptical about the snacks they eat. 

Health Benefits of Choosing Healthy Master Snacks

  • Improved health and wellness even during work hours
  • A quick boost in productivity
  • Catering to diverse dietary needs
  • Promotes a positive brand image
  • Sustainable and conscious consumption

Real World Impact

Several organisations and educational institutes have already embraced the change by choosing Healthy Master’s vending machines and snacks. For instance, many corporate offices reported a huge increase in the consumption of healthy snacks after switching from the conventional vending machine products to Healthy Master’s offerings. Most employees have also expressed higher satisfaction levels, with many noting that they felt more energized throughout the day after choosing these healthy offerings. 

A Step Toward a Healthier Future

Choosing nutritious snacks for vending machines has become more than a trend, it has become a movement towards better health. As more and more people are increasing the importance of healthy eating, vending machines no longer have to be filled with unhealthy choices. We at Healthy Master provide delicious, convenient alternatives to satisfy your cravings. 

Let's join our hands together to make vending machines a source of nourishment, rather than a pile of junk foods. 

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